Lunar Information

Did you know, the Moon has a huge influence on how we feel, as well as on how 'lucky' we are? The Moon also can have influences on our body!

The famous astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) declared that the Moon influenced the tides on Earth. But it wasn’t until Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) provided proof of the attraction the Moon exerts on the oceans that the theory was accepted as scientific fact. He showed that the influence of the night star was the main cause of the changes in water level in oceans and seas around the world.

While the Moon’s power of attraction over tides is officially recognized, its impact on human beings has been closely contested.

Since the human body is composed of 65% water, how can anyone deny that the Moon can have an influence on us as well?

Scientifically speaking, the Moon is the Earth's one natural satellite and is more than one quarter the size of Earth itself. The Moon does not possess any atmosphere, so there is no weather as we are used to on Earth. The Moon doesn't produce its own light, but looks bright because it reflects light from the Sun.

The Moon's gravitational force is known to influence various Earthly phenomena amongst human beings. The lunar effect is the theory that there is correlation between specific stages of the Earth's lunar cycle and deviant behavior in human beings that cannot simply be explained by variation in light levels. we know the Moon exerts a force of attraction that’s two and a half times stronger than the Sun.

The Moon has always been important in various religious traditions and cultures and is still worshipped in many cultures to this day, each echoing a tradition that was held widely among the peoples of northern and eastern Europe, the middle-east and China. Symbolically, it represents the female principle, the world of dreams, passivity and melancholy. The Moon is often depicted as a very pale female goddess.

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